After my Mom leaves, I may have to do my fourteen day cleanse all over again.
I don't know what it is about Moms, or maybe it's just my Mom, but my food choices when she is around are not the best. My Mom is a great cook, and we share a love of all things food. It's no surprise that she makes yummy things for me and the fam, as well as buys us little treats and such.
That's what Moms/Granny's do right?
To add to that indulging, it was also Easter weekend and I've never met a Mini Egg that I could walk away from for good. The feasting and the treating over the last two weeks will have caught up with me, I'm sure.
So, Monday my Mom heads back home and I'll head back on the cleanse wagon. My body isn't going to know what hit it!!!! I imagine the withdrawal headache may be worse this go around as well. I don't know that I'll do it for the full two weeks, I may play with the boundaries somewhat, but somethings gotta give!
I wouldn't change a thing though. Life, to me, is about enjoying each moment you can. When we die, no one is going to care how slim we were or if we exercised daily. I believe in being healthy, of course, and that to me also means moderation. I think as long as you live a healthy balanced lifestyle 80 percent of the time, going a little nuts the other 20 percent is A-Okay. If you constantly restrict yourself, you start obsessing about food and diet and exercise, which is even worse than if you had just had that chocolate bar in the first place!
That brings new meaning to the phrase, "Live a Little." I've lived a little more than a little these last few weeks, and it's time to reign it in to just a moderate binge every now and then.
It all starts back up Monday, April 12th. Mark your calendars.
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